Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Softskill Last

by:Astuti A.
Dreams are fleeting
Dreams break free from this world
Dreams make a poor man powerful
Dreams live in sleep
Dreams create visions of hopes and fears
Dreams are more powerful than thoughts
Dreams make you scream
Dreams make you believe
Dreams send you far away
Dreams make you want more and more
Dreams are what you need
 Dreams are not merely fantasies but real

Monday, May 30, 2016

Degree of comparison & Woestion Word

Degree of comparison
Degree of comparison merupakan bentuk perbandingan yang berbentuk adjective and adverb. Terdapat tiga degree of comparison, yaitu : positive, comparative, dan superlative degree.
Comparative Degree
Comparative adjective dan comparative adverb digunakan untuk membandingkan dua hal. Kebanyakannya adjective atau adverb satu suku kata ditambahkan akhiran -er, sedangkan dua suku kata atau lebih diawali dengan kata more. Khusus untuk dua suku kata adjective dengan akhiran -y, akhiran tersebut dihilangkan lalu ditambahkan -ier. Ketika berada di dalam kalimat, degree of comparison ini biasanya ditemani kata than.
Contoh :

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1.       Explain and give 5 examples for each tense!
·         Simple present
·         Present continuous
·         Simple past
·         Past continuous
2.       What is subject-verb agreement? Explain clearly & give 10 examples!
3.       Find the kinds of pronoun! Explain &make some examples  for each kind!

Simple Present
Simple present tense is a form of the verb that refers to an action or event that is ongoing or that regularly takes place in present time.
·         He only eats vegetables
·         His mother is Asian
·         They using internet regularly
·         He drinks coffe at the night
·         She drive to jJakarta everyday

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bussiness Letter Full

PT. Green Lens
Jln. Jendral Sudirman, Kav. 10-11
Jakarta Pusat
Ref: RQ/10/TC
3rd April 2009